A Matrix About Change: Adaptive Capacity, Transformation, & Dissolution

Developing new Domains
This is the second post discussing a talk I gave in December at Red Hat OpenShift Commons titled "Risk, Vulnerability, and the Precarity of Identity." The first post discusses the theory foundational to the talk and these articles while this post ties together the theory with my own experience to create domains for thinking through hazards, vulnerabilities, and responses. In the following, theory introduced in the last post including Maturana's Domains of Structural Determinism, and the understanding of identity from Di Paolo, Buhrmann, & Barandiaran, (2017) are braided together with ideas of change to produce a matrix. The matrix is intended to be used for thinking about the hazards faced by an organization, its vulnerability to them, and how it might respond.
Domain of Robustness
The Domain of Robustness remains largely the same as Maturana's Domain of Perturbations though it has been widened to include an absence of change and placed within the organizational c…